Too often, companies with products that have alternative potential markets miss their opportunity: Either they fail to see the possibility of alternative markets, or they simply lack the will to do the necessary groundwork to explore the opportunity. Leveraging existing technology for new uses can be tricky, but the return is greater profit and a revitalized business model.
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Capturing Value from Free Digital Goods
New studies show that companies can derive significant value from free digital goods such as open source software, especially when they pay their own employees to contribute to their creation — even if these assets become available to competitors.
The Hybrid Trap: Why Most Efforts to Bridge Old and New Technology Miss the Mark
Mature companies often lack the vision and the commitment to fully commit to new technologies — even when consumer are ready for them. This leads firms to develop watered down products with limited capabilities and leaves them exposed to upstart competitors.
Innovation-Based Technology Standards Are Under Threat
The patent system and the standards system, which have together kindled a generation of unparalleled technological advancement, are being wrongly targeted as impediments to future progress. Public policies aimed at weakening the patent and standards systems risk stalling the pace of technological advancement.
Leading Open Innovation
This volume describes the ways that OI expands the space for innovation, describing a range of OI practices, participants, and trends. The contributors come from practice and academe, and reflect international, cross-sector, and transdisciplinary perspectives. They report on a variety of OI initiatives, offer theoretical frameworks, and consider new arenas for OI from manufacturing to education.
Winning with Open Process Innovation
Managers in manufacturing companies often keep process innovation activities tightly under wraps. Some companies have good reasons for keeping process innovations concealed. However, the authors’ research suggests that for most manufacturers, such defensiveness deprives companies of a valuable source of ideas for productivity improvement. Many manufacturers, they argue, can benefit from sharing process innovations rather than keeping them secret.
12 Essential Innovation Insights
For decades, researchers have published their findings about innovation in MIT Sloan Management Review. Here are a dozen of the best insights.
Creating Better Innovation Measurement Practices
Finding the right metrics to track innovation is by no means straightforward. To avoid common mistakes, executives should take a holistic perspective on their company’s innovation process.
Has A Customer Already Developed Your Next Project?
Customers’ or suppliers’ descriptions of what they need may provide design elements for your next new product. Companies should listen carefully and identify whether need statements have opportunities for innovation embedded in them.
Leadership Development's Epic Fail
Any approach to leadership development that tries to reduce the complexities of leadership to a series of standard boxes to be ticked or traits to be emulated will have little enduring impact.