The technical, organizational and strategic challenges of the shift to on-demand computing power.
Managing Technology
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Best Practices in IT Portfolio Management
The reason most organizations struggle to demonstrate business gains from information-technology investments is that their IT portfolio management (ITPM) is inadequate. Research at 130 companies, including Harrah's Entertainment, Waste Management and Blue Cross Blue Shield, shows that only 17% are at the advanced, or synchronized, stage of ITPM. Scrutiny of that 17% reveals best practices for successfully aligning IT with strategic goals. The key to bridging the business-technology divide and improving results is early communication. Not only must senior business managers understand more about how IT affects both strategy and the bottom line, CIOs need to learn to communicate the vision, strategies and goals of the IT organization in terms non-IT executives can understand. The most effective partnerships studied were those in which the CIO took initiative in discussing ITPM with business leaders and eventually transferred accountability to them. The most successful practitioners obtained cost savings of up to 40% of pre-ITPM budgets, better alignment between IT spending and business objectives, and greater central coordination of IT investments across the organization. By following certain specific steps to establish or upgrade ITPM and by benchmarking against synchronized companies, large organizations can make IT an integral part of their competitive advantage.
Do You Have Too Much IT?
In the late 1990s, companies often bought huge quantities of IT for reasons that had nothing to do with their business models or long-term strategies. There was a “follow the pack” approach to IT investment that continues, to a lesser degree, today. For managers seeking to break away from fear-driven IT investment, the author suggests that they consider the operations of Inditex Group, a clothing manufacturer and retailer based in northwestern Spain and best known for its Zara stores. Although few would think first of this industry or region in a search for IT leaders, Inditex’s experience demonstrates that it is possible to select, adopt and leverage IT masterfully while spending very little on it. Inditex has higher operating profit and much better recent stock-price performance than any of its competitors, and the author believes that there is a direct connection between its financial performance and its IT excellence. For managers weary of me-too IT investment, he lays out the five general principles that underlie Inditex’s approach to technology spending.
Strategic Management of Intellectual Property
By one informed estimate from the late 1990s, three-quarters of the Fortune 100's total market capitalization was represented by intangible assets, such as patents, copyrights and trademarks. In this environment, cautions the author, IP management cannot be left to technology managers or corporate legal staff alone -- it must be a matter of concern for functional and business-unit leaders as well as a corporation's most senior officers. To realize the full value of their companies' intellectual property, top executives must seek answers to the following questions: How can the company use intellectual property rights to gain and sustain competitive advantage? How do IP rights affect the industry's structure? What options do IP rights offer vis-à-vis competitors? How can IP rights grant incumbency advantage and establish barriers to entry? How can IP rights help the company gain vertical power along the value chain? What organizational design accommodates an IP strategy most effectively? The author explores each question, drawing on such company examples as Nokia, Motorola, Novo Nordisk and Leo Pharma, in the process helping lead intellectual property rights out of their shadowy existence in patent and legal departments.
Strategies for Data Warehousing
How can companies ensure that their data warehouse delivers as promised?
The Death of the Open Web
Wireless networks and microcharging will change the Internet as we know it.
The Digital Transformation of Traditional Business
What kinds of companies and products can benefit most from the use of new information technologies (NIT), such as the Internet, broadband networks and mobile communications? Books and airline tickets sell readily over the Web whereas automobiles do not. Furthermore, what types of business transformations does NIT enable? A company might, for example, use NIT to eliminate middlemen, such as distributors, that separate it from its customers (called classic disintermediation). Or, instead of getting rid of middlemen, it might choose to embrace them (remediation). Or it might build strategic alliances and partnerships with new and existing players in a tangle of complex relationships (network-based mediation). All three mediation strategies depend on various factors, such as a product's customizability and information content. By fully understanding those drivers of NIT, companies can begin to predict the potential transformations of their industries, especially in terms of how products are marketed and sold. To that end, the authors have developed a systematic framework that identifies which drivers are important for each of the three mediation approaches. Using this tool, companies can determine both the optimum ways to transform their businesses and the NIT investments required to accomplish such changes.
When Too Much IT Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing
In recent years, large companies have invested a great deal of money & #8212; and faith & #8212; in process-enabling information technology, IT that facilitates the execution of entire business processes rather than individual tasks. But all too often, such investments fail to pay off: The new systems fail to live up to expectations, register a measurable financial impact, improve work processes or bring about organizational change. Technical snafus, a scarcity of good advice for managers and failure to follow such guidance are not the problems. The fundamental issue is that managers usually follow what amounts to a universal checklist, one that assumes that all implementations are basically alike. Taken as a whole, the list is merely a collection of undifferentiated findings and conclusions rather than a synthesis that would help with the particular implementation effort at hand. The executive in charge of the effort is left to discern which findings apply, under what circumstances and why. Instead of a longer or different list, this article offers a synthesis that highlights how big IT implementations differ from one another and how managers should handle the differences in order to realize the full promise of technological change.