Adobe uses a variety of social business activities to create a great experience for employees and customers.
Managing Technology
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"Information" vs "Communication": The Battle to Influence Decision Making
Raffaella Sadun explains how two traditionally connected technologies seem to pull companies in opposing directions
Digital Health Care: The Patient Will See You Now
Digital technology is empowering patients to participate in developing their own treatment plans.
The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution
Digital technology is changing modern business — and many executives are waiting too long to embrace those changes.
How McDonald's Cooked Up More Transparency
Preparing the McDonald's "Our Food. Your Questions." campaign put the company through a kind of "culture shock."
Why Social Engagement May Be More Important Than Marketing
Companies need to focus more on the people already invested in the brand, says the president and COO of Sprinklr.
How Digital Transformation Is Making Health Care Safer, Faster and Cheaper
What does it take to bring world class digital technology to one of the world's leading medical centers?
Strategy, not Technology, Drives Digital Transformation
The 2015 Digital Business Report by MIT SMR and Deloitte identifies strategy as the key driver in the digital arena.
When Health Care Gets a Healthy Dose of Data
American health care is undergoing a data-driven transformation — and Intermountain Healthcare is leading the way. This MIT Sloan Management Review case study examines the data and analytics culture at Intermountain, a Utah-based company that runs 22 hospitals and 185 clinics. Data-driven decision making has improved patient outcomes in Intermountain's cardiovascular medicine, endocrinology, surgery, obstetrics and care processes — while saving millions of dollars in procurement and in its supply chain.
Is Your Business Ready for a Digital Future?
Research by MIT SMR shows that effective digital strategy is strongly associated with a company’s overall digital maturity.