Use evidence-based criteria to decide when to drop unprofitable customers in order to better serve your profitable ones.
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The End of Averages for Marketing Budgets
Marketers have long benchmarked their budgets against their peers’ spending. But it’s time to seek better metrics than the average budget.
Why Text-to-Image AI Requires a New Branding Mindset
Consumers and top brands are cocreating campaigns using generative AI tools. Are you ready to manage the opportunity?
Design Your Marketing Organization to Fit Your Company’s Growth Stage
Interviews with 100 CMOs reveal common challenges in designing marketing organizations, as well as ways to address them.
The Myth of the Mainstream
In a polarized culture, market to your brand’s top supporters, who can help build your fan base among skeptics.
Why Digital Ability Trumps IQ
Transformation success requires moving beyond “digital IQ” by linking employee ability to performance outcomes.
Manage Your Customer Portfolio for Maximum Lifetime Value
Better-informed decisions on customer relationship conversion, leverage, and defense can drive revenue and lower costs.
Employer Branding Is the New Marketing Imperative
CMOs and their marketing teams are well positioned to help companies build a brand that attracts and retains top talent.
How Do Customers React When Their Requests Are Evaluated by Algorithms?
Managers’ intuition about how customers will feel about decisions made by algorithms rather than humans is often wrong.
Connecting With Customers in the Age of Acceleration
The pandemic forced companies to speed digital transformation and adapt to a virtual world. Customers are now rewarding those that offer the best experiences and engage authentically. To succeed in the next era, businesses and marketers must meet new expectations and build new strategies and skills.