What determines whether or not an internal social media initiative brings business benefits?
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What Matters Most in Internet Retailing
Though online retailers have unlimited trading areas, they must learn where to best find customers.
How Finding "Exceptions" Can Jump Start Your Social Initiative
John Hagel, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, explains how social tools can increase productivity.
SAP: Using Social Media for Building, Selling and Supporting
SAPs ten-year-old online network has nearly three million members.
Is It Time to Rethink Your Pricing Strategy?
Almost any business can improve its pricing performance, if it broaches pricing in a structured way.
Enhancing Relationships With Customers Through Online Brand Communities
To improve online communities, companies need to enhance communication among custoemrs.
The Perils of Social Coupon Campaigns
To gain from social coupons, businesses should craft deals carefully — without giving too much away.
Social Business at Kaiser Permanente: Using Social Tools to Improve Customer Service, Research and Internal Collaboration
Twitter, Facebook and an internal intranet are changing the way a health care provider communicates.
What Sells CEOs on Social Networking
Andrew McAfee, the MIT researcher who coined the term Enterprise 2.0, discusses how CEOs see social tools.
How to Get Your Messages Retweeted
What increases the chance of "retweeting," so company tweets are shared with recipients' networks?