B. Bonin Bough oversees social media for Oreo, Ritz and Cadbury — big brands in the social world.
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Finding the Value in Social Business
A survey by MIT SMR and Deloitte shows companies starting to derive real value from social business.
How to Win a Price War
It's possible for a company to win a price war by leveraging a specific set of strategic capabilities.
Is Your Brand a Living Entity?
Twitter is helping companies build new kinds of connections with consumers.
Should Your Business Be Less Productive?
In service businesses, there is often a trade-off between productivity and customer satisfaction.
The High Price of Customer Satisfaction
Misguided attempts to improve satisfaction can damage a company's financial health.
What Unhappy Customers Want
Customers are unsatisfied with complaint handling despite years of effort. A new approach is needed.
Reading Global Clients' Signals
Big data analysis can help geographically distributed companies monitor customer satisfaction.
Tying Customer Engagement to Employee Engagement
State Street navigates the rough waters of using social media in international finance.
The Art of Selling with Social Tools
As daily life goes digital, Hearsay Social develops a social media platform to generate sales leads.