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  • What Everyone Gets Wrong About the Never-Ending COVID-19 Supply Chain Crisis

    Just-in-time inventory management isn’t the source of the pandemic’s supply chain issues and product shortages.


  • Working with Robots in a Post-Pandemic World

    Despite advances in automation, good people and good techniques remain essential to manual work.


  • Building Growth with Additive Manufacturing

    Digital Strategy Guide Additive manufacturing — also known as 3-D printing — was developed in the 1980s and began moving beyond costly industrial manufacturing applications in the late 2000s when it was taken up by the open-source and do-it-yourself movements. This collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review takes a closer look at this disruptive technology, which is on the verge of going mainstream.


  • Breaking Logjams in Knowledge Work

    How organizations can improve task flow and prevent overload.


  • Holding Your Organization (and Yourself) Accountable

    Leadership Collection Leaders grapple with bringing accountability into everything they do, for both internal audiences and the wider community of stakeholders.


  • How Decisions Get Made

    Leadership Collection How do you decide how to decide? What are the best strategies for problem-solving? This collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review explores the critical importance of knowing what problem you are trying to solve, taking the time to thoroughly frame a decision and explore the full scope of options, and recognizing that consensus isn’t always the best policy.


  • Building a Culture Focused on Execution

    Leadership Collection What are the best ways to make sure that projects and new ideas move forward smoothly and smartly? This collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review examines the ways to tap employees for their best ideas, encourage them to share their concerns, and use strategy loops to incorporate new information and translate it into effective action.


  • How Customers View Self-Service Technologies

    Customers want employee interaction, convenience, and fast transactions in their self-service technology.


  • Preparing for Disruptions Through Early Detection

    Leading companies are using an array of detection and response techniques to become more resilient.


  • Reducing Unwelcome Surprises in Project Management

    A project's "unknown unknowns" can be reduced through both product design approaches and behavioral approaches.
