Research finds that American consumers feel businesses have great potential to positively impact society but fall short in sustainable operations.
Social Responsibility
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Sustainability Progress Is Stalled at Most Companies
U.S. employers are lagging at embedding sustainability into their organizations, new research shows.
Do You Have a Corporate Philanthropy Strategy?
A research-based framework can help companies select philanthropic projects that align with their business strategies.
Unlocking the Potential of Justice-Impacted Talent
Formerly incarcerated people represent an underutilized talent pool that can help employers address workforce shortages.
Facilitating the Next Golden Age of Black Business
Lessons from the golden age of Black business can teach today’s leaders how to help Black entrepreneurs prosper.
The PR Power of Fessing Up
Research shows that a company’s confessions to past wrongs enhances people’s perception of its corporate responsibility.
The Transparency Problem in Corporate Philanthropy
The lack of transparency in corporate philanthropy doesn’t serve companies or their stakeholders.
Why Corporate Success Requires Dealing With the Past
Once leaders address their company’s historical transgressions, they can work to create a more positive legacy.
Rethinking Executive Incentives Can Boost ESG Performance
A new mechanism — parity pills — aims to address pay inequities between high-level execs and rank-and-file workers.
Rethinking How We Measure Companies on Social and Environmental Impact
The authors present a new framework for assessing the effects of a company’s social and environmental practices.