Staying competitive may mean exploring new business models — but watch out for internal tensions.
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Navigating the Patent Minefield Through Consortia
Tech consortia help reduce patent risk, but managers must weigh the pros and cons for innovation.
How Boards Botch CEO Succession
Research finds three key reasons boards fail at CEO succession planning.
Debating Disruptive Innovation
Three experts provide their responses to the article "How Useful Is the Theory of Disruptive Innovation?"
Developing New Products in Emerging Markets
A successful innovation developed by Cisco's R&;D unit in India offers practical insights.
Why Learning Is Central to Sustained Innovation
Operational excellence requires cultivating an expectation for continuous improvement in all employees.
Leading by the Numbers
It can be difficult for finance professionals to transition to broader leadership roles.
Keep Calm and Manage Disruption
Businesses are averting disruption by beating their new competition, joining them, or waiting them out.
Fighting the "Headquarters Knows Best" Syndrome
The problem of the domineering corporate headquarters resonates with executives of multinationals.
Leading in the Age of Super-Transparency
How can companies adapt themselves to the demands of super-transparency?