Project-centered governance may be an efficient way to organize innovation in fields such as biotech.
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The Long-Tail Strategy for IT Outsourcing
IT outsourcing has emerged as an important strategic tool for acquiring cutting-edge innovation.
Mastering Strategy
How can executives develop their skills as strategists? One way is to learn from the masters.
How to Avoid Platform Traps
The increasing popularity of platform strategies masks a difficult truth: They are hard to execute well.
How Useful Is the Theory of Disruptive Innovation?
How well does Clayton M. Christensen's theory describe what actually transpires in business?
Preparing for Disruptions Through Early Detection
Leading companies are using an array of detection and response techniques to become more resilient.
The Leaders' Choice
New business executives face a choice: What kind of companies do they want to lead?
Aligning Corporate Learning With Strategy
Corporate learning programs should focus on the CEO's strategic agenda rather than how learning is delivered.
Developing Effective Intellectual Property Partnerships
There are five options for structuring intellectual property partnerships, ranging from licensing to joint ventures.
How Global Is Your C-Suite?
National diversity of top management should be a topic of conversation for boards of directors.