Joining the supply and demand sides of an enterprise presents an opportunity for efficiency and value creation.
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Thriving in an Increasingly Digital Ecosystem
To prepare for digital disruption, companies need to consider which of four business models to adapt.
The New Mission for Multinationals
Across a broad swath of industries, multinationals are losing ground in emerging markets to local players.
Competing With Ordinary Resources
Not every company needs to be built around a strong brand, exceptional talent or exclusive technology.
When Consensus Hurts the Company
Research offers insights into when trying to reach consensus is the right course, and when it isn't.
Revamping Your Business Through Digital Transformation
By using mobile devices, social media, analytics and the cloud, savvy companies are transforming the way they do business.
Adapting to the Sharing Economy
New strategies are helping companies embrace "collaborative consumption" and the “sharing economy.”
From Risk to Resilience: Learning to Deal With Disruption
Companies need to cultivate resilience to unexpected disruptions to complex supply chains.
The Power of Asking Pivotal Questions
Asking the right questions can help you broaden your perspective — and make smarter decisions.
The Perils of Attention From Headquarters
Visits from corporate headquarters to operations in markets such as China are often seen as unproductive.