Executives are increasingly recognizing the value of social business to their organizations.
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The Trouble With Stock Compensation
Does paying outside board members with equity grants lead to less socially responsible behavior?
Competing in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing
Mobile technology is blurring the boundaries between traditional and Internet retailing.
How Starbucks Has Gone Digital
Top Starbucks executives Adam Brotman and Curt Garner discuss their company’s digital strategy.
Bringing Opportunity Oversight Onto the Board's Agenda
Boards need to monitor not only a company's risks but also its ability to generate opportunities.
Experiments in Open Innovation at Harvard Medical School
Open innovation was used in diabetes research to bring greater openness into every stage of research.
Optimizing Your Digital Business Model
If you lack a good digital business model, your customers may leave you behind.
Outsourcing Business Processes for Innovation
Many companies pursue business process outsourcing to trim costs. But it can evolve into much more.
The Importance of IT-Enabled Flexibility in Alliances
New research shows that flexible IT can help facilitate strategic alliances.
The Trouble With Too Much Board Oversight
Is board oversight & #8212; helpful as it can be & #8212; detrimental to innovation?