When two business models, and two business units, make sense.
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A Business Plan? Or a Journey to Plan B?
From Apple to Twitter, some of the most successful businesses are not what their inventors originally envisioned.
How to Manage Alliances Better Than One at a Time
Systematizing the analysis process should produce more gain and less pain when forming strategic partnerships.
What Every CEO Needs to Know About Nonmarket Strategy
In a global economy, sustained competitive advantage arises from tackling social, political and environmental issues as part of a corporate strategy.
Why Forecasts Fail. What to Do Instead
Managers need to learn from history about what they can and cannot predict, and develop plans that are sensitive to surprises.
Do You Have A "Plan B"?
Many companies have trouble making the transition from a failing business model to one that works. Often, one culprit is an inability to experiment.
The Advantage of Tolerating Failure
When venture capitalists are more tolerant of failure, the successful companies in their portfolio tend to be more innovative.
Innovation From the Inside Out
Grameen Bank and others know that you get the best answers by burying yourself in the questions.
What Lead Directors Do
New research offers insights into an increasingly important boardroom role.