Businesses should use scenario analysis to assess the costs of transitioning — or not — to net-zero carbon emissions.
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Open Up Your Strategy
A more inclusive strategy-making process is needed when disruptions come from all directions.
Open Strategy: Mastering Disruption from Outside the C-Suite
How smart companies are opening up strategic initiatives to involve front-line employees, experts, suppliers, customers, entrepreneurs, and even competitors.
Setting the Rules of the Road
Five building blocks of ecosystem governance help leaders create value and manage risk.
What Space Missions Can Teach Us About Remote Work
The practices of astronauts offer a model for successfully adapting to remote and hybrid work.
Sharing Value for Ecosystem Success
Ecosystem success requires that both leaders and followers avoid the trap of egocentric thinking.
Rethinking Assumptions About How Employees Work
The post-pandemic era requires a leadership mindset change about jobs and managerial expectations.
Small Stake, Big Voice
Having a minority stake in a business partnership doesn’t always mean having fewer rights.
Great Strategy Looks Beyond Traditional Stakeholders
Great strategy addresses investor and consumer interests and also recognizes the value of nontraditional stakeholders.
Why Good Arguments Make Better Strategy
Creating consistently great business strategies demands systematic constructive debate and logical rigor.