Ray Wang discusses how social business evolves, which uses are growing, and how social business is changing the future of work.
Workplace, Teams, & Culture
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How Innovative Is Your Company's Culture?
A new assessment tool can help executives pinpoint a company's innovation strengths and weaknesses.
Organizing R&D for the Future
The art of collaboration is one that many research and development organizations have yet to master.
Reinventing Employee Onboarding
Employee orientation practices that focus on individual identity can lower employee turnover.
The Inside and Outside View of Innovation
Two recent books focus on different aspects of innovation — within and outside the organization.
How Cisco's Learning Network Became a Social Hub for the IT Industry
Cisco's social educational platform, Learning@Cisco, is a key hub for people in IT around the globe.
Creating a Culture Where the Best Ideas Win
At Enterasys Networks, social tools are creating a flatter and more transparent company.
What You Can Learn From Your Customer's Customer
Getting ideas from customers is a norm; some companies get ideas from customers' customers, too.
GE's Colab Brings Good Things to the Company
GE's internal social network, GE Colab, is connecting up the firm's 115,000 employees around the globe.
How Social Tools Can Help Your Company Avoid Strategic Failure
Author and consultant Nilofer Merchant tells companies there's more to social than "social media."