How can a leader’s language stir interest in reskilling programs? An experiment at Vodafone surfaced best practices.
Workplace, Teams, & Culture
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What Managers Everywhere Must Know About Caste
Learn how caste, a South Asian system of socioeconomic stratification, shapes organizations and interactions in the workplace.
Halt Impostor Syndrome Before It Happens
Some workplace policies, practices, and interactions can make confident performers start to doubt their own competence.
Countering the Corporate Diversity Backlash
Facing opposition, businesses are backtracking on DEI commitments, but they should reconsider.
How Outlawing Collegiate Affirmative Action Will Impact Corporate America
The U.S. Supreme Court decision banning affirmative action in college admissions will also reduce workplace diversity.
How to Support Your Team When Uncertainty Is High
Seven ways managers can support their teams amid instability to help workers maintain a sense of control and motivation.
How to Help Employees with ADHD Address the Challenges of Remote Work
The authors share evidence-based interventions to help foster better remote work practices for employees with ADHD.
Opening Access to the Fast Track for Career Equity
Research reveals the factors managers can change to more equitably position women and people of color for career success.
Empower Your Team, Empower Yourself
When organizations invest in learning and development, the benefits extend beyond individual employees to their teams.
Take a Skills-Based Approach to Culture Change
Organizations can leverage a skills-based approach to culture change to speed the process and address real challenges.